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Ginger, the super root

Here’s what you should know about it

Brown outside, yellow inside. It’s fruity and pungent. It is one of the oldest spices and herbal plants: ginger. Its scientific name is Zingiber officinale and it has many different uses. Ginger is a real superhero of spices.

What the ginger plant likes: a tropical climate. That means temperatures that remain the same all year round, and high humidity. It is less fond of direct sunlight and lots of rain. That’s why this exotic shrub is native to tropical and subtropical regions. It is mainly cultivated in India, China, Japan, Australia, Jamaica, West Africa and South America.

The ginger we find on the supermarket shelves and at markets is the root of this herbaceous plant, what is known as the ginger rhizome – in other words, the ginger root of the ginger plant. A perennial, the plant can grow up to a metre high. The leaves are narrow and can reach a length of up to 20 centimetres. There are many different kinds of ginger – Thai ginger, Chinese ginger, West African ginger or Indian ginger, which vary in terms of pungency and flavour.

The root contains around 150 to 160 substances – from starch, proteins, fats, fibre, minerals and vitamins to pungent compounds, colours or essential oils. The root is around 80 per cent water. The pungent compounds, known as gingerols, are what makes the root so pleasantly hot. Ginger is considered as very healthy and its properties are said to include antibacterial, appetite-promoting, antioxidant and expectorant effects.

Ginger is a true super root. We also like to use it in our formulations. It is an ingredient in the following products:

  • The ginger in RINGANAchi has a stimulating effect on circulation.
  • Ginger gives our FRESH lip balm a tangy, fresh flavour and works with hyaluronic acid to produce a natural plumping effect.
  • Together with chilli, the super root ginger is contained in SPORT go, for slow-release, soothing warmth to help with muscle regeneration.
  • In FRESH moisturiser for men ginger works with caffeine to deliver energy and stimulate.
  • Our FRESH light legs also contains ginger – together with mint, it provides an instant blast of freshness.


Caution during pregnancy: ginger should only be consumed in moderation during pregnancy because it can bring on contractions and cause them to start prematurely. We therefore recommend that if you are pregnant, you should consult a doctor before consuming ginger.

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